Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Signing On as a Combat Specialist

Well, this issue is for guys only. Recently, i received a book by Navy advising me to sign on. I used to believe the signing on will only restrict my future and thus, have nv put in any efforts in analysing the pros and cons of signing on. Thus, as our youth life is coming to a close and is time to plan for our future, i've actually done a small analysis on the prospect of signing on.

These are all in figures.

As a combat specialist...

Under the polytechnic induction scheme, all diploma holders who decided to sign on will receive a lump sum of 15,000, provided you've passed the interview.

X) S$15,000

Then, as a recruit, you will receive a monthly salary of $1901 per month instead of 350 for 5 months. Den your pay will increase to $1,991 you got promoted to become a corporal for 11 weeks. Den you will be promoted to become a 3rd sergeant for one year, pay =$2,162.

Thus on average, your first year pay is $23,653.25

1) $23,653.25

Second year pay = 25994

2) $25,994

Den, you will be continued as third sergeant and your pay will rise to $2230 per month for a year. Annual pay = 26,760

3) $26,760

Nxt, promotion again. 2nd sergeant now. Pay =2,253, annual pay=27036

4) 27,036

Last cont as 2nd sergeant, but pay rise = 2324, annually= 27888

5) 27,888

Including your lump sum of 15000, your total amt u will receive in five years = 146,331.25

Now it is the EXPENSES part.

On avg, one will spend ard $800/month on food and transport. Thus for five years = 48,000

1) 48,000

Den, if wan to study a degree, it costs S$20,000

2) 20,000

Thirdly, give parent money, monthly $300, five years = 18,000

3) $18,000

Fourthly, if wan to have 2nd car, it costs ard $400 per month, five years = 24,000

4) 24,000

On a whole, it costs 110,000


Rev = $146,331.25
cost= $110,000

NP= $36,331.25.

So in five years, your saving will be this amt.

I am not sure my estimation is really logical. But all these amt is excluding the fact that incidents, and bonuses. Thus i believe these two factors will cancel out each other resulting in the net figure of $36,331.25.

This is jus a comment no worries.


Sunday, March 26, 2006



Was lunching alone at caltex house b1, chatted on the phone while i had my rosti and pork sausage (not halal)! sounds ji mo?? SO........ can someone PLEASEEEE find a job ASAP and join me at raffles place!!!??? then i'll have company for lunch! =D

wah the first day of work was... hmm.. exciting and tedious. it was fun when the task of entering information of the respective broking houses into the particular trades were entrusted upon me (actually it's an easy job, since i'm not the one who executed these trades), after which the orders would be placed out into the market. but i gotta take note of the many broking houses in different regions of the world, so i gotta check properly before choosing the correct one

trades done would be confirmed between my traders and the respective broking houses, and then i would have to enter in data such as quantity of stocks and the transacted prices. wah after that i did admin stuff on adding up the commission oweing to us to the existing ones to re-adjust the figures, wah i stared at all the numbers and figures till i nearly turned pat jiao! and there were so many pages! super tedious!!

the people there were super workaholic can? the bulk of the pple were still around when it was 6pm, so i stayed on till 7+ before leaving to meet leng at tampines. so tiring!!

but i gotta hand in 5 reports!!! OMG!!! on futures, options, TA.. and some other alienated stuff. the trader was telling me about delta curve and delta point for Futures trading. will tim or yongseng please enlighten me on what the hell are these things?!?!?! i reli feel like beng kui-ing!!!!!!!!!! how am i gonna do a project outta these information when i dun even know or understand what are they!!

and i repeat again.. will someone.. anyone!! please come to raffles place to work and jio me for lunch!! my lunch break's from 12.30 to 1.30pm!!

- Sarahhhhhhhhhhhh

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Joker Photos!!!

Well i receive some remarks over this photo. One of my friend said, "hey the guy in centre dressed extremely coolz..... I mean right in the centre!!!!!"

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Jokerish Post #2

heyo dudes and dudettes!!

it's me again!

now, to carry on from where asston has left off....

BabooSeng, the fist-eater

he sang "kuai le chong bai" NON-STOP during FP lessons, and especially during FP lessons only. kinda regretted asking him to learn it so as to spare my ears a little. but nevertheless, this circus dude has a super stretchable mouth with masterpieces of his fist-swallowing and mime acts.

Marcus, the broke-r
whahaha this guy always siam whenever we have expensive outings. his face will change immediately to a despair look whenever we mention dinnering at some restaurants or something. he always complain that with joycie and DOn Han around, we can forget about having cheap meals.

ER wei, the Tai-Tai (why ain't i named the tai-tai as well?)
errrrr wei~ this was the name ambrose gave her, and it pretty got stuck to her till now. she is one who is super nonchalent about studies people around, with tt I-dun-reli-care-who-u-are signals slapped all over her face. a rich tai-tai with everything she wished for, Ipod nano, camera, trips to HK and Japan, and wad else? she only needs a real rich hubby to waste his money away!

ASSton, the jokerest among the Jokers

"Just do it onlyyyy / Just go onlyyy!! why worry.." familiar? you guys shld noe which joker came up with tt. and he's still madly in love with his real and unreal fantasies.. poor girls.. the victimised Miss S & Miss M!!

Joker Post

Yeah, It's a new day, but it all feels old! It's a good life, that's what I'm told! But everything, it all just feels the same!

Hey guys, (only for guys), i do believe that getting out of the singular club ain't any big momma problem from us. It is more of a matter of want rather than need. Desperate? yeah true, but only for a certain reason........... (Such thing i believe only rich and jam understand? Or are there more who share the same frequency as us? Hopefully YES!!!)

And anyway, Ashton isn't boycotting any joker person. He is such a kind boy, isn't he? Is boy, not yet a man! (19 only!!!!). So don worry, don listen to any joker gossip that spread by the yishuniser.

I think there some memorable catchy phrases and acts that we once heard or seen or even experience, maybe we can start compiling some man! Let it be an unforgettable piece of literature work before we officially declared as Non-CLassmates!

let's get it started in here!!!

Don Han, the greatest Ardmore Knight
(I'm emphasizing the laaaaa as it is often accompanied with a high PITCH)

Buddha Ping, the philosophical Preacher
(and that was specially created for the purpose of naming a little cat who loved to whine)
P.S. She is nxt on the list

Pussy Joyce, the whiner
(and on top of that, she loved to call people with a fantastically high tone in which often resulted in frustrating people!!!!!!)

Gunbounder Adri, the slapper
Well she is much more worst than the joker above. She really does slap people!!! What a shit?

Hokkienese and Hornified Richrad, the Uncle
This joker potato loves to imitate those taiwan entertainment shows, and not those that are popular. but shows like wat XX DA MENG GUO.... and ends up with all the joker acts coming out!!!

Lamer James, Cockster of the Cock Family
Well, beyond description. Too much cock in his mind, i don understand what he does at home.

Ah Shan, the Ah Ma
"SHan Nan..... Shan Bei... Shan nan shan bei zou yi hui eh........"
Well, she sang that everytime we finished our TO lecture... and on top of that, she loved HOKKIEN SONGS!!!! hai~~>>.....

Leng, the Da Jie Da
Remember her three fingers act? not pointing to anybody of course. But with that three fingers stick onto her left side of her forehead, trying to display an act of three cold sweat to remind people that their talks are lame... Well, is pretty lame too... your acts?????????????

Timmy!, studified ever-young-looking guy
"yesh yesh yesh, YEAH!"
This is an act that cant be described literally. But the main point is this, a guy who has been thru NS doing this, wow, is damn freaking coolz!!!!

FIR, the flyaway joker
nothing seriously wrong abt it, jus that one has to have a clean ears to hear him... Pls, this is not a sarcasm, but a COMMENT yeah....

Ah Boo, the book that can nv be judged by its cover
Wah incredible guy. No one can ever guess that this guy can tell me the price of all the combi of ToTo, in which i din even noe... and talk abt Pools, he somehow will noe the odds dude!!!!

Ceres, the TEI TEI Bu
Hey joker, would u like to consider working for chatlines?

I indeed left out a few other jokers, but is a chance for u guys to fill it up!!!! hahaha... i can't possibly remember so many things rite?

And well, i din leave mine is becoz where the hell would someone write something funnny abt himself? It sounds so ironic!!!

Dude, is time to show off your photographic memory!

By: ASSton

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

a long rest..

the 07 blog has finally been revived!!!!!

the class rep (Mr YS) has been so lazy and didn't update the blog, so here i am, crapping again~ anyway, let us 07 congratualate him for his new-found lovelife and wish him all the best!!!

Has the Singular Club been disbanded already? Did the Don Han treat us to Whisky in Rouge as a form of our dividends?

as for the rest of the guys.. jia you and throw your [Single] status off the rack. we know some of you guys are pretty despo to get outta the same league as me.

just do it only!!! why worry??? (*quoted from ashton phua yong jian)

oh yea.. ash is now boycotting cheong.. wonder why? lolz please be welcome to direct your enquiries to ashton for further elaboration.

any more juicy news anot?? any gossips? scandals? new best fren?

arghh life is so boring now after the examination. guys, no worries, you'll be stuck with NS for 2.5 years of your lives. how sad!

girls.. let us all earn big bucks and let the guys catch up slowly behind us. who knows, maybe some day you guys will become my coffee boy? hiak hiak

joycie and i are thinking of studying in france. cool huh? accommodation and living expenses really serve as big big problems to us. oh god but 5 years seem too long a time. but we shall see, after gathering facts and relevant information.

Stay tune for more information.

DJ Sarah