Jokerish Post #2
heyo dudes and dudettes!!
it's me again!
now, to carry on from where asston has left off....
BabooSeng, the fist-eater
he sang "kuai le chong bai" NON-STOP during FP lessons, and especially during FP lessons only. kinda regretted asking him to learn it so as to spare my ears a little. but nevertheless, this circus dude has a super stretchable mouth with masterpieces of his fist-swallowing and mime acts.
Marcus, the broke-r
whahaha this guy always siam whenever we have expensive outings. his face will change immediately to a despair look whenever we mention dinnering at some restaurants or something. he always complain that with joycie and DOn Han around, we can forget about having cheap meals.
ER wei, the Tai-Tai (why ain't i named the tai-tai as well?)
errrrr wei~ this was the name ambrose gave her, and it pretty got stuck to her till now. she is one who is super nonchalent about studies people around, with tt I-dun-reli-care-who-u-are signals slapped all over her face. a rich tai-tai with everything she wished for, Ipod nano, camera, trips to HK and Japan, and wad else? she only needs a real rich hubby to waste his money away!
ASSton, the jokerest among the Jokers
"Just do it onlyyyy / Just go onlyyy!! why worry.." familiar? you guys shld noe which joker came up with tt. and he's still madly in love with his real and unreal fantasies.. poor girls.. the victimised Miss S & Miss M!!
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